12th September 2019, Dinner at the Castle

The Truth About Long Term Care

Informal evenings at Oakham Castle

Smith Eliot is running a series of informal evenings at Oakham Castle and invites you to join us.

The evenings commence at 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start and include no obligation pre-dinner drinks and a two-course dinner.

These dinners are always topical and if after the event you would like to book a meeting to discuss your own personal circumstances that would be great. If not, it will have been lovely to meet you!

The Truth about Long Term Care

When we sit down with families, it is often at a time when they need to provide immediate care for a loved one. By this point, there are usually not many options to consider, as the decisions have already been made.

The earlier things are discussed, the more options are available and the more time there is to get in place the appropriate power of attorney*.

We will cover what state benefits may be available, the cost of care and the various ways of providing for it, in addition to looking at the process of setting up a power of attorney* and the court of protection.

We find that many clients are concerned about their later life planning and find it difficult to share these worries with their families. Whether you are concerned about a loved one or you have concerns about your own care please come along.

If you would like to join us, please call us on 01572 759759 and ask for Vicki to confirm your places.

* Powers of Attorney involve the referral to a service that is separate and distinct to those offered by St. James’s Place and are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority